Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

0 Free Download Video Converter

For those of you who need a free software to convert your video file types from one format to another. As people living in the modern world with the presence of advanced gadgets and have a mobile phone is no longer dominated the rich but has become common for middle to lower income communities. At one point wanted to play a video but unfortunately can not be played on the gadget, the solution is to convert the video format.

If in the outcome there are circulating a video converter software with a fairly expensive for the size of ordinary people, there is a pretty good software with the features that are quite complete but the price is free. His name is Format Factory.

I'm sure of you already familiar with free software and legal one. Appearance is as shown below. From the picture below we can see that the features offered fairly complete although it is freeware. Freeware here means we are free to download and use it for various purposes allowed us without changing the software.

For those who are interested in this software can be downloaded at this link :

Can converts various audio files, video, images as well as DVD / CD / ISO. All in one.

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